Following are the names of OFS
Names in bold and
with an asterisk (*) lack current email addresses.
If you can provide us their address, or contact them to update their
information, we'd be grateful.
If you would like to be added to our
e-mail list, or know of others who might be interested in
OFS events, please contact us. Thanks!
- A -
George Alexander
Don Alpert
Don Anderson
Harry Anderson
John Arthur
Alexander Auerbach
- B -
Bob Baker
Betsy Balsley
Mayerene Barker
Nick Beck
Greg Beckman
Bill Beebe
Jim Bell
Earl Blount
Richard Boudreaux
Bill Boyarsky
Dusty Brandel
Don Bremner
Leslie Brenner
Ken Broder
Kevin Bronson
Tom Bronzini
Jackie Brown
Jerry Brown
Paul Brownfield
Kelly Burgess
Bonnie Burrow
Miguel Bustillo
- C -
Anton Calleia
Bob Carey
Leah Cartabruno
Leslie Carlson
Karen Chaderjian
Charles Champlin
Carina Chocano
Jia-Rui Chong
Paul Conrad
Monica Corcoran
Elke Corley
Miles Corwin
Daniel Costello
George Cotliar
Richard Cromelin
Janet Cromley
Perry Crowe
Linda Cuadra
Nick Cuccia
Aaron Curtiss
- D -
Judi Daniels
Saul Daniels
Jill Darling
John Dart
Paul Davis
Tina Daunt
Lynn Day
Veronique de Turenne
Donna Deane Vetro
Cliff Dektar
Linda Deutsch
Evie DeWolfe
Patt Diroll *
Casey Dolan
Charlie Donaldson
Rose Dosti
Joan Drake
Sylvie Drake
Bill Dwyre
- E -
Mary Engel
Karin Esterhammer
Bart Everett
- F -
Mike Faneuff
Mindy Farabee
Jeff Fellenzer
David Ferrell
Craig Fisher
Louis B. Fleming
John Foley
Mary Forgione
James E. Fowler
Murray Fromson
George Fry
- G -
Chris Gaither
Vicky Gallay
Veronica Garcia
George Garrigues
Charles Garrity
Jim Gerstenzang
Josh Getlin
Bob Gibson
Esme Gibson
Tara Godvin
Art Goldberg
Les Goldberg
Abigail Goldman
Sheri Gordon
Kathy Gosnell
Liam Gowling
Joni Gray
Diane Guthman
- H -
Diane Haithman
John Hall
Denise Hamilton
Christine Hanley
Anne Harnagel
Larry Harnisch
Jim Harris
Steve Harvey
Jack Hawn
Erika Hayasaki
Lynne Heffley
William Heisel
Martin Henderson
Valli Herman
Kathi (Barr) Hilburn
Carole Hill
Leslie Hoffecker
Jim Hollander
Peter Y. Hong
John Hornberg
John Horrall
Deke Houlgate
Rebecca Hudson
- I -
Burt Irwin
- J -
Jennifer James
Joe Jares
Helen Brush Jenkins
DeWayne B. Johnson
Tom Johnson
Jack Jones
- K -
Jennifer Karmon
Carol Kaufman
David Kelly
J. Michael Kennedy
Joe Kennedy
Fran Kent
Con Keyes
Ashraf Khalil
Amina Khan
Margaret Kilgore
Alex Kimball
David M. Kinchen
Richard Kipling
Mike Kirkendall
John Kissell
Connie Koenenn
David Kraslow *
Bob Krauch
Chris Kraul
Kathy Kristof
- L -
Lennie LaGuire
David Lamb
Paula Landau
Eleanor LaVove *
Carla Lazareschi
Todd Leibensberger
Simon Li
Paul Lieberman
Kurt Liepman
Kris Lindgren
Liam Lindsay
Lea Lion
Doug List
William Lobdell
Wil Locke
Ron Logsdon
Paul Loop
Steve Lopez
Orli Low
Marshall Lumsden
Janet Lundblad
Claudia Luther
Patrick Lynch
- M -
Jan Mamone
Shirley Marlow
John Marshall
Scott Martelle
Amy Martin
Al Martinez
Linda Mathews
Craig Matsuda
Morrie Mazur
Melissa McCoy
Linda McCoy-Murray
Mark Medina
Stan Meisler
Meg Mendoza
Joseph Menn
Gary Metzker
Josh Meyer
Rick Meyer
Freddie Miller
Ben Mintz
John Mitchell
Steve Mitchell
Patt Morrison
Barbara Morrow
Suzanne Muchnic
Kim Murphy
Marilyn White Murphy
- N -
Dan Neil
Brice Nelson
Harry Nelson
Chuck Neubauer
Johanna Neuman
Kathy Neumeyer
Jim Newton
David Ng
Pete Noyes
Andrew Nystrom
- O -
Anne-Marie O'Connor
Jennifer Oldham
Dale Olson *
Charles Ornstein
Ron Ostrow
Tom Paegel
Swati Pandey
Karen Parker
Michael Parks
Dana Parsons
Chris Pasles
Judy Pasternak
Kendal Pate
Mark Phillips
Susan Pinkus
Burt Prelutsky
Brad Pye Jr.
- R -
Matt Randall
Ron Rapoport
Cecilia Rasmussen
Jordan Rau
Robin Rauzi
Bob Rawitch
Terry Redknapp
Tim Reiterman
William Rempel
Hank Rieger
Bettie Rinehart
Kevin Roderick
Melissa Rohlin
Ted Rohrlich
Terry Rosales
David Rose
Howard Rosenberg
Susannah Rosenblatt
Bob Rosenblatt
Sharon Rosenhause
Polly Ross
Mary Rourke
- S -
Joshua Sandoval
Robert Scheer
Donna Scheibe
Rick Schmitt
Deborah Schoch
Jackson Sellers
Lori Shepler
Garry Short
Doug Shuit
Alvin Shuster
Tracy Silveria
Stuart Silverstein
Nico Smedley
Doug Smith
Roger Smith
Ann Sonne
Frank Sotomayor
Larry Stammer
Gricel C. Stern
Clark Stevens
John Stewart
Connie Stewart
Larry Stewart
Carolyn Strickler
Diana Swartz
- T -
Bob Tarlau
Ruthie Taylor
Sam Teaford
Rone Tempest
Nancy Tew
Bill Thomas
Kevin Thomas
Pete Thomas
William Thomas
Lilia Thompson
Barbara Thornburg
Caroline Thorpe
Scott Timberg
Eldes Tran
Tom Trapnell
Bob Trounson
- U -
Eric Ulken
- V -
John Vande Wege
Francisco Vara-Orta
Donna Deane Vetro
- W -
Deidre Ware
Tracy Weber
Spender Weiner
Charles Weisenberg
Annie Wells
Art Wild
Coe Wilkins
Howard Williams
Marty Willman
Janet Wilson
Leo Wolinsky
Brenda Wong
Rob Wood
Tracy Wood
Ed Wright
Brent Wyeth *
- Y -
Boris Yaro
Nancy Yoshihara
- Z -
Narda Zacchino
Paul Zieke
Barry Zwick